Category: audio

  • On today’s radioshow: Community Radio CKUT’s 20th Anniversary Conference

    Montreal, Quebec’s community radio station CKUT is celebrating its 20th anniversary with a conference focused on Redefining Media: Media Democracy and Community Media. Gretchen King from CKUT’s Community News Department will be my guest on today’s mediageek radioshow to talk about the conference and the station’s unique approach to serving its community. Tune in live…

  • O’Reilly Reviews New Digital Audio Recorder

    Digital audio recorders that use flash memory are finally becoming common and inexpensive enough to be good tools for independent media makers. And, it’s just in time to pick up from minidisc, which has probably gasped its last breath. At work I’ve been experimenting with the Zoom H4, which is a moderately priced (~$250) digital…

  • DIY Audio Recording Links from Friday’s Radioshow

    On yesterday’s radioshow guest Jay Eychaner and I talked about the rise of inexpensive digital audio recording and its impact on independent musicians, radio producers and podcasters. For those looking for more information, here are some links: Tape-Op Magazine is a free, independent publication that serves the independent recording community. has how-to articles and…

  • Uploading the Old Minidiscs

    I gave the new MZ-RH1 minidisc recorder a spin last night and I have to report that it works as advertised. I tried out three minidiscs recorded about 6 years ago in regular minidisc SP format and they uploaded to my PC and converted to WAV without a hitch. All these minidiscs were airchecks recorded…

  • Latest, Greatest Minidisc Recorder Now Available and In Demand

    Without fanfare or any real announcement from Sony, the MZ-RH1 minidisc recorder is now shipping from a variety of sources in North America. This recorder, which may be the last new model ever produced, finally fulfills most of the promise of the minidisc format… a mere fourteen years after MD was first introduced. Already it…

  • Sudden Positive Interest in Minidisc

    It’s strange, minidisc had been pretty much left for dead by the mainstream, despite a pretty big installed user base. Now Sony defies expectation by releasing a new recorder that sheds just about every drawback of the format and a few positive articles pop up in the geek mediasphere. About a week ago, the Crave…

  • New Minidisc Recorder Confirmed, and Even Better than Expected has confirmation on the new minidisc recorder, MZ-RH1, that I blogged about a couple of weeks ago. The new unit is remarkable both because it’s a sign that Sony isn’t ready to kill minidisc just yet. But also, this model does away with several bothersome limitations. The MZ-RH1 now allows any audio recorded via…

  • Minidisc Not Dead Yet

    Like many long-standing minidisc users, I’ve been wondering when Sony will finally kill off this format. I do not live in a fantasy world, so I do realize that the tag-team of iPods, cheap MP3 players and an increasing number of high-quality portable digital audio recorders that use flash memory will spell the eventual end…

  • Podcasting & Vodcasting: Educational Solutions Looking for a Problem

    I’m at a technology and learning conference at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN today and tomorrow. It’s part of my day-job life as an educational media producer, but it’s also a good opportunity to get a glimpse at what educators are trying to do with technology, and there’s many lessons to be learned for…

  • So-called HD-Radio, ain’t so HD

    John at DIYmedia has posted a good introduction to what is now being called HD-radio, otherwise known as digital radio, or IBOC (acronym for In-Band On Channel). For the low, low price of about $500 you too can buy a digital radio capable of recieving almost-sorta-kinda-near-CD-quality audio on the FM dial, that the NAB and…