Month: June 2005

  • Mediageek Radioshow Podcast Available Through iTunes 4.9

    I’ve dutifully upgraded by copy of iTunes to 4.9 and was happy to find that the mediageek radioshow podcast is available for free subscription through the iTunes Music Store. Click this link to get it. I don’t have an iPod and during this time of year I don’t walk around with a walkman much, since…

  • More Clear Thinking on Grokster, and Taking It One Step Further

    Following up on yesterday’s remarks, today I see that Ross Rubin’s Switched On column at Engadget also focuses on the specifics of the Court’s Grokster decision, rather than taking it as a wholesale attack on mp3 technologies: The upshot is that, even though most consumer electronics products should be in the clear, the Grokster case…

  • G8 Radio: Webcast and Broadcast

    G8 Radio will be providing streaming audio coverage of protests against the G8 in Scotland this weekend, in addition to related reportage and analysis. The venerable Amsterdam unlicensed station Vrije Keyser Radio will be carrying the broadcast at 89.6 FM. In their announcement they write: Amsterdam based independent free radio station ‘Radio de Vrije Keyser’…

  • The Pragmatics of the Grokster Decision

    Matt at tries on some clear thinking about the Supreme Court decision in the MGM vs. Grokster case: From what I can tell, this is a fairly narrow decision with nuance. The Supreme Court seems to have ruled that a company cannot promote an illegal use for a technology. Those same kids writing lean…

  • Another Indymedia Server Seized: Bristol, UK

    Thanks to Jebba, I’m alerted to the alarming seizure of yet another Indymedia server: On Monday, June 27th, Indymedia Bristol’s server was seized by the police. An Indymedia volunteer was also arrested during the raid on suspicion of incitement to criminal damage and is now on bail. … Bristol Indymedia say: “We are outraged at…

  • Headlines from the 6-24-05 radioshow: FCC Busts rfb, Harasses BLR; Some CPB Funding Saved, but New Republican CEO

    These are the news headlines as read on the June 24, 2005 edition of the mediageek radioshow: FCC Busts radio free brattleboro, Harasses Berkeley Liberation Radio; Some CPB Funding Saved, but New Republican CEO.

  • Brattleboro Reformer Editorializes Cautious Support of radio free brattleboro

    Wednesday’s FCC raid of rfb doesn’t seemed to have affected the positive support for the station in the city of Brattleboro. The local paper chimes in with cautious support for the station, without necessarily endorsing unlicensed broadcasting as a whole, nor letting the FCC off the hook: Granted, the station operated outside the law. Simply…

  • mediageek on Odeo

    Odeo is a new podcasting web app that provides tools for producing, distributing and downloading podcast audio. Rabble from anarchogeek is one of the developers and he added the mediageek radioshow podcast to Odeo’s catalog. Invites to the beta of Odeo have been sent out to 12,700 people. Rabble sent me one a number of…

  • Roots of Radical Media in Detroit

    On yesterday’s radioshow I played part of a panel from last weekend’s Allied Media Conference, Radical Media: The Experience of Detroit. I played portions of the talk by Charles Simmons, who was a member of the League of Revolutionary Black Workers. Next week, I’ll play audio from Abayomi Azikiwe who has been a radio host…

  • Sizing Up Local Public Radio

    My pal Jack Brighton is the assistant director for internet at my local public radio and TV station cluster, WILL. He’s single-handedly responsible for getting that station’s good local content onto the web for streaming and podcasting. Jack’s also keeping a blog on station and public broadcasting affairs, where’s he’s able to show a remarkable…