Month: September 2002

  • What A Representative Really Thinks About “Democracy”

    Rep. Howard Berman, a California Democrat, is sponsoring the “Peer-to-Peer Privacy Prevention Act” which, among other things, would allow record companies to hack P2P networks (including your computer if it’s part of the network). Wired News reports Berman’s true view on open debate of issues of public importance: “Those who oppose such legislation ‘are generally…

  • Reclaim the Media in Pictures, Sound and Words

    Reclaim the Media in Pictures, Sound and Words My pal (and traveling companion) John at DIYmedia has put together a kick-ass compilation feature on the Reclaim the Media conference and Mosquito Fleet micropower action. We shared the material we collected, like pictures and interviews, which are now nicely compiled on his site — and much…

  • Coming soon — the NEW mediageek blog

    I’m getting ready to take the bold leap into using moveable type on a new server, leaving poor blogger behind. Not that there’s anything wrong with ol’ blogger, it’s just I wanted to wean myself off ftp and use a server that allows cgi. And so, the time shall be soon when you’ll see the…

  • Madison’s Microradio Files Mosquito Fleet Report

    Madison’s Microradio Files Mosquito Fleet Report Madison, Wisconsin’s own unlicensed microradio station, System P, was in Seattle for the Reclaim the Media conference and became one skeeter in the micropower Mosquito Fleet swarming the unpopulated pockets on the Seattle airwaves a week ago. The P’s own Wankstor X. Muzzlebutt has filed a report on the…

  • RaiseTheFist Webmaster To Plead Guilty

    RaiseTheFist Webmaster To Plead Guilty According to the News Kiosk:, Sherman Austin will be convicted on Monday,Sept 23rd as he pleads guilty to felony count: 18 U.S.C. 842 (p)(2)(A): DISTRIBUTION OF INFORMATION RELATING TO EXPLOSIVES, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES, AND WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION WITH THE INTENT THAT SUCH INFORMATION BE USED IN FURTHERANCE OF…

  • Mr. Powell Gives Pounds of Love to the Broadcast Cartel

    Mr. Powell Gives Pounds of Love to the Broadcast Cartel Yes, there’s a 900 lb. gorilla staring at me from the corner — as I reported on last week’s radio show (but not on the blog),

  • Sony Says “Uh, maybe?” to Mindisc-to-PC Uploads

    Sony Says “Uh, maybe?” to Mindisc-to-PC Uploads Sony has replied to the on-line petition sponsored by asking that their netMD recorders allow users to upload to computers audio recorded on their MD recorders in addition to being able to download audio to MD from their computers. It seems like this one-way transfer is in…

  • Civil Liberties, Libertarians and Anarchists — Unlikely Bedfellows?

    Wired mag has a nice profile on Copyright warrior lawyer Larry Lessig that’s a bit deeper and more probing than most I’ve read of him. Although he’s plowing a very important route for the future of civil liberties, I don’t think he’s the big rebel that more perfunctory press accounts paint him to be. Rather,…

  • Back In the Champaign Crib

    Back In the Champaign Crib I posted a couple of articles to Indymedia sites (Seattle, Madison and Urbana-Champaign) while in Seattle to keep those not in the middle of the action updated. I linked to one of them in passing, but didn’t make them explicit — so here are the stories: Negativland Uses Mosquito Fleet…

  • Almost Home from Seattle

    Almost Home from Seattle After about 30 hours of driving I’m in Madison, WI getting ready to head back to Champaign. I think the conference was mostly successful, though what excited me most was seeing the mosquito fleet go into action. According to a post on Seattle IMC from one of the mosquito helpers, there…