Yes, there’s a 900 lb. gorilla staring at me from the corner — as I reported on last week’s radio show (but not on the blog), the FCC last week announced the start of its “THIRD BIENNIAL REVIEW OF BROADCAST OWNERSHIP RULES,” in which they state the goal of “updating rules to reflect modern marketplace,” which is, of course, corporate-Powell-double-speak for “hand airwaves regulation to our corporate broadcaster friends.” And, damnit, I just haven’t had the time and mental space to give it all a good thinking-over, though on the surface it doesn’t look good. However, I do want to comment more completely and cogently.
In the meantime, Bart Preecs has written a nice FAQ on the battle to reclaim the media, and the Christian Science Monitor’s Alexandra Marks has penned a very fair article on “Media future: Risk of monopoly?” But all the while, Rep. Bill Tauzin is working to forcibly obsolete your analog TV by 2006, while also rendering your VCR useless — now that’s representative democracy at work! I promise, there will be more shit on this shit to come.
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