Month: October 2000

  • Another update on LPFM in

    Another update on LPFM in the Senate, this time from the Virginia Center For the Public Press: Last night the Senate passed an appropriations bill containing a rider to kill LPFM (s.3020), with a vote pretty much down party lines. It’s reported that President Clinton has promised to veto this bill, with LPFM being one…

  • I just received the following

    I just received the following breaking update on the LPFM situation in Congress from the Low Power Radio Coalition: Friends- At 5:30 this morning, the Commerce State Justice Appropriations bill was submitted to both houses of Congress. This bill includes a rider (S. 3020) that guts the FCC’s Low Power Radio proposal. The House is…

  • Wired News has an article

    Wired News has an article today on the congressional fight for the future of LPFM. Unfortunately, the article reports that Clinton is unlikely to veto an appropriations bill just because anti-LPFM language is attached. That’s bad news, and should give even more reason to deluge Clinton with faxes and letters urging him to support LPFM…

  • FCC Chairman William Kennard wrote

    FCC Chairman William Kennard wrote an Op-Ed piece in Monday’s Washington Post defending LPFM and lambasting the broadcast industry for sneaking anti-LPFM language into unrelated apporpriations bills.

  • Several sources have reported that

    Several sources have reported that Free Radio Austin is back on the air, after being shut down by the FCC on Oct. 10.

  • Good News: Mbanna Kantako and

    Good News: Mbanna Kantako and Human Rights Radio are back on the air in Springfield, IL., reports the Independent Media Center. According to the report, Kantako returned Human Rights Radio to the air Friday afternoon at 3pm Central time, “in defiance of a court order prohibiting him from further broadcasting. This comes after a large-scale…

  • The Continuing Disintegration of Pacifica:

    The Continuing Disintegration of Pacifica: This week a memo from Amy Goodman, host of Pacifica’s Democracy Now, to the Pacifica Board of Directors was leaked. The memo outlines the harassment and censorious rules that Pacifica management is forcing on the program, in an effort to strip it of the honest and forthright journalism that has…

  • In light of the recent

    In light of the recent shutdown of Mbanna Kantako’s Human Rights Radio in Springfield, IL, it’s important not to forget about Napoleon Williams and Black Liberation Radio In Decatur, IL, just 40 miles East of Springfield. Napoleon’s station was shut down not by the FCC, but by local authorities who, after years of harassment, finally…

  • Christopher Maxwell from the Virginia

    Christopher Maxwell from the Virginia Center for the Public Press and Radio Free Richmond (VA), sent out the following update on the LPFM battle in Congress, from Senator Robb’s Telecom Legislative Assistant, Jeremy Grant: “still no sign of when we’ll get out of here. the president signed a bill to keep the government temporarily funded…

  • On Sunday’s show: I’ll play

    On Sunday’s show: I’ll play segment’s from Mbanna Kantako’s tape of the Federal shutdown of his micropower station, Human Rights Radio. I’ll also have updates on the most recent micropower station shutdowns and the final push to convince President Clinton to veto legislation aimed to kill LPFM.