Category: press freedom

  • This Blog Could Terminate My DSL

    Ars Technica reports on a change in the terms of service for AT&T broadband customers that gives the company the company to terminate service for anyone who “tends to damage the name or reputation of AT&T, or its parents, affiliates and subsidiaries.” Yes, it’s overbroad, overly vague, and therefore probably too difficult to enforce across…

  • Dispatch from Oaxaca: Breaking the Communication Blockade

    I received the following email from George Salzman yesterday: Oaxaca, 3 May 2007 Friends, I fully endorse this call for support of popular radio in Oaxaca from Tonee Mello, who initiated the Oaxaca Study-Action Group with me in December 2005. Here’s Tonee’s message: Subject: [oaxacastudyactiongroup] APPEAL From: Tonee Mello Date: Wed, 2 May 2007 17:02:55…

  • Good News: Army Subpoena of Journalist Dropped

    Just saw this email from the National Radio Project that came in yesterday: UPDATE! Journalist Subpoenas Dismissed! Army prosecutors of Lt. Watada drop two charges for speaking to the press January 29, 2007 Two charges of “conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman” have been dropped by the Army-each of which carried a one year…

  • On the next radioshow: Update from Oaxaca

    This evening I spoke again with Nancy Davies and George Salzman, two Americans living in Oaxaca, Mexico. They updated me on the situation there and I’ll play that interview on tomorrow’s radioshow, live on WEFT 90.1 FM in Champaign, IL. That program will be available for download by Sunday at midnight. George has been sending…

  • Bizzarro World: Police Raid Station In Effort To Save Host of Bad Cop, No Donut! Radio Program?

    As Jake relays, it’s a bizarre situation for Ron Anicich, host and producer of the muckraking radio program, Bad Cop, No Donut: On Thursday morning [May 25] a Toronto police SWAT team raided CKLN during my show, Bad Cop, No Donut! The station was on auto-pilot at the time because I was not well and…

  • One the US’s Greatest Publishers Going Out of Business

    I’ve always been a fan of Loompanics Unlimited, the publisher of such great titles as The Outlaw’s Bible and Understanding U.S. Identity Documents. Before there was a public internet, Loompanics made good on the notion that information wants to be free, publishing information and ideas that no other book publisher would touch. Loompanics is perhaps…

  • Photographer Arrested for Taking Pics of Cheney’s Hotel

    According to 2600, “An amateur photographer named Mike Maginnis was arrested on Tuesday in his home city of Denver – for simply taking pictures of buildings in an area where Vice President Cheney was residing. Maginnis told his story on Wednesday’s edition of [the radio program] Off The Hook. Maginnis’s morning commute took him past…

  • More Gov’t Attacks on Indymedia — Greece

    According to a feature on Global Indymedia, the Athens IMC has been targeted by the Greek gov’t in its “anti-terrorist summer,” a program its using to persecute leftist political activists: By the end of September, Indymedia Athens was among the groups targetted in the witch-hunt climate, with establishment journalists contending that the “site is supporting…

  • more on DC harrassment of journalists…

    Matt has a few more articles and resources on this story blogged at machination.

  • Reporters of All Stripes Detained by DC Cops; Corp. Press Just Sees an Inconvenience

    Matt of has alerted me to a couple of stories on the bunches of journalists, both indy and mainstream, that were rounded up by overzealous DC cops last Friday at the start of the IMF/WB protests. The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press reports that “The count of journalists arrested late last week…