Category: metablogging

  • The Feed vs. the Archive

    The Feed vs. the Archive

    The longstanding photo sharing site Flickr recently was acquired from Yahoo by the much-smaller professional photo site SmugMug. As a 14+ year user of Flickr, I saw this as a good thing, since the service seemed to endure benign neglect under Yahoo’s unsteady stewardship. But, under the pressure of keeping the service economically sustainable SumgMug…

  • Blogs still rule

    After publishing my post on Network Awesome I received a nice “thank you” email from the site’s founder, Jason Forrest. Jason is an electronic musician who has also worked under the name “Donna Summer” and has held down an on-air shift at the legendary freeform station WFMU. He agreed to do an email interview with…

  • Benign neglect and recoverIng that feeling

    Hello, blog. It’s been a while. It’s a periodic thing where I neglect you for a while. We’ve been together for a decade, and had our ups and downs. I don’t mean to leave you all by your lonesome… But then… Excuses, excuses…. I do. I do most of my writing these days over at…

  • Blogumentary for Free Online, a Smart Move

    I haven’t watched it yet, but independent filmmaker and blogger Chuck Olsen has uploaded his entire Blogumentary to Google Video for free. As Jason Scott notes (towards the end of the post), here’s a guy who gets that getting his film done and out there for people to see, however and whenever, may very well…

  • OH, the Tubes! or, Why I Don’t MySpace.

    Thanks to everyone’s fake anchorman, Sen. Ted Steven’s tubular understanding of the workings of the Internets is gaining much more popular recognition. Now the NY Times has taken note, as well as the LA Times, and the Washington Post. But one blogger apparently got his MySpace account temporarily suspended because he posted a parody song…

  • That’s It, In a Nutshell

    Per Slate’s In Other Magazines, Reason’s Matt Welch writes that the big media companies are jumping on the blogwagon because they’re “history’s cheapest publishing system in the world’s cheapest distribution system.” Not magic, just cheap and simple. That’s what I was trying to say several years ago when I more actively took up the “what’s…

  • Any Bloggers Going to AMC?

    I’m looking for indie-minded bloggers who’ve been blogging for at least a year, but preferrably 2 years or longer who are planning to attend (or thinking about attending) the Allied Media Conference in June. Please send me an e-mail: paul (at)

  • All Your Blog Are Belong to Google; Will (the A-List) Bloggers Tolerate the Masses?

    It was bound to happen — Google is buying Blogger, the seminal blogging ap that put thousands of weblogs (including this one) on the ‘net. Logically, in the short term this will amount to a major step up in reliability for Blogger and Blogspot hosted users. In a way this sort of fulfills part of…

  • Blogger Hacked, Bloggers Cry

    My switch to Moveable Type from Bogger couldn’t have happened any sooner.

  • Pew Study Says Americans More Interested in DIY Journalism, but Still Serves Warning

    This story on Cyberjournalist reports that Americans became more interested in amateur reporting as a result of relying on such accounts, primarily found on the Internet, during the events of Sept. 11. ” Most notable, the study said, were the widespread first-person accounts, which most frequently appeared on personal Web logs, but also appeared on…