I just became aware that the FCC has a draft five-year strategic plan that’s open for public comment until Aug. 2. The plan details the FCC’s goal in six core areas:
BROADBAND: Establish regulatory policies that promote competition, innovation, and
investment in broadband services and facilities while monitoring progress
toward the deployment of broadband services in the United States and
abroad. 47 U.S.C. § 157 and note.
SPECTRUM: Encourage the highest and best use of spectrum domestically and
internationally in order to encourage the growth and rapid adoption of new
technologies. 47 U.S.C. § 309 (j); 303 (g).
MEDIA: Revise media regulations so that timely development and delivery of new
technologies is encouraged, media ownership rules promote competition and
diversity in a comprehensive, legally sustainable manner, and the migration
to digital modes of delivery is facilitated. 47 U.S.C. §§336, 307(b);
Telecommunications Act of 1996 § 202(h)
HOMELAND Provide leadership in evaluating and strengthening the NationÂ’s
SECURITY: communications infrastructure, in ensuring rapid restoration of that
infrastructure in the event of disruption, and in ensuring that essential public
health and safety personnel have effective communications services available
to them in emergency situations. 47 U.S. C. §§ 151, 606, 337.
COMPETITION: Support the NationÂ’s economy by ensuring there is a comprehensive and
competitive framework within which the communications revolution can
continue so that all consumers can make meaningful choices among and
have equal access to communications services. 47 U.S.C. §§ 251, 271, 253,
MODERNIZE Emphasize performance and results through excellent management, develop
THE FCC: and retain independent mission-critical expertise, and align the FCC with
dynamic and converging communications markets. 47 U.S.C. § 155(a).
Funny how most of us haven’t heard about this, no? Wouldn’t you think this is some pretty important stuff, as it lays the path for our next five years of communciations? Then why hasn’t it been reported on? Do you think it’s because our media conglomerates really don’t want the public commenting on their future? I’ll bet a dollar they’re filing their comments by the truckload.
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