It’s the first pledge drive edition. I’ll have an interview with Skidmark Bob of Freak Radio Santa Cruz, an unlicensed “pirate” radio station that recently celebrated its seventh anniversary on the air. I’ll also have some media news headlines. Hear it live on air Friday at 5:30 PM on community radio WEFT 90.1 FM, Champaign, IL, and later this weekend on-line here.
On Today’s Edition of the
It’s the first pledge drive edition. I’ll have an interview with Skidmark Bob of Freak Radio Santa Cruz, an unlicensed “pirate” radio station that recently celebrated its seventh anniversary on the air. I’ll also have some media news headlines. Hear it live on air Friday at 5:30 PM on community radio WEFT 90.1 FM, Champaign, IL, and later this weekend on-line here.
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