Month: April 2002

  • Marathon Broadcast to Save Internet

    Marathon Broadcast to Save Internet Radio! Duane Whittingham, producer of the Tom and Darryl Show, e-mailed me this announcement: The RIAA and CARP want the Library of Congress to impose large fees imposed on webcasters, this has been discussed on the various shows on W0KIE and the net. Well now via one of the largest…

  • Counterpoint on the Washington Post’s Treament of IMC

    Counterpoint on the Washington Post’s Treament of IMC My pal John Anderson — former editor of the Radio/Pirate Radio page at — e-mailed me with some comments on last week’s Washington Post article about IMC journalists covering the A20 protests. Overall, he doesn’t think I’m being critical enough of the Post, and then registers…

  • The haul from Quimby’s: At

    The haul from Quimby’s: At yesterday’s underground bookstore outing we picked up several fine publications that I’ll share. The book that instantly made me go “gotta have it,” is Tape Op; The Book About Creative Music Recording, edited by Larry Crane, which is chock full of interesting techniques for the DIY and low-budget/no-budget sound recordist.…

  • USA Today reports that many

    USA Today reports that many ‘net radio stations will have a day of silence this Wednesday in order to protest the outrageous copyright fees being levied on them.

  • I’m going to Chicago this

    I’m going to Chicago this afternoon, will probably visit Quimby’s again. If you click through that Quimby’s link, you’ll see I wrote about the zine bookmobile project. Those folks e-mailed me a few weeks ago and said they’re thinking of passing through Urbana, since apparently they’ve gotten a few requests. If you’re an Urbana-ite and…

  • Since I haven’t been able

    Since I haven’t been able to get a good recording of the entire mediageek radio show for the last two weeks, here’s the news headlines as read on the program: headlines for 4-12-02 headlines for 4-19-02 I’ll have the features from the last two shows up for on-line listening this weekend.

  • Dow Jones reports that the

    Dow Jones reports that the FCC is appealing an appeals court ruling that the TV nationwide ownership cap is unconsitutional. The FCC argues that it has the right to limit how much of the national audience a single company’s TV stations may reach. The parent companies of three major networks — FOX’s News Corp., NBC’s…

  • Can the Mainstream Press Understand Indymedia?

    Can the Mainstream Press Understand Indymedia? The Washington Post has a surprisingly fair and mostly accurate article on the Independent Media Center movement, with a focus on coverage of protests of the World Bank & IMF in Washington DC this weekend. Nonetheless, a certain amount of the author’s professional journalism bias comes through, as in…

  • Free.The.Media is having a live

    Free.The.Media is having a live webcast tonight, called “Victory over Violence… Palestine, Israel, and Beyond. Free.The.Media is “a member supported autonomous network and cultural think tank whose purpose is to reclaim public space on the net and preserve free speech, privacy and access for all.” Looks interesting — I’ll try to remember to tune in.

  • This Austin-Statesman article details some

    This Austin-Statesman article details some more problems at community station KOOP, one stemming from a broken elevator in their building that the landlord doesn’t want to fix. KOOP is a pretty young station that seems to have been mired in difficulty, infighting and other problems since the start. This 1999 Texas Observer article lays out…