mediageek radio show 3/22/02: angels of the public interest @ the fcc; homelessness marathon host loses radio program

  • mediageek radio show 3/22/02: angels of the public interest @ the fcc; homelessness marathon host loses radio program
    Listen to the whole program in Real Audio (30 min), or choose a segment:

    Part 1 (17 min): Reports on the Angels of the Public Interest protest at the FCC. Amy Aidman, project coordinator for the Illinois Initiative on Global Information and Communications Policy, discusses the reasons for the protest, emphasizing the effects of media consolidation on children. Then we hear a report from the streets of DC filed by the Philly IMC and Partytown Radio. Listen in Real Audio.

    Part 2 (13 min): Interview with Jeremy Alderson, aka ‘Nobody,’ host of the annual Homelessness Marathon on his being taking off the air at his former home station, WEOS in Geneva, NY. Alderson’s political talk show covered issues in biotech which apparently didn’t sit well with neighboring Cornell University, a leader in biotech research. Listen in Real Audio.

    The program is also archived at the mediageek radio show page. A broadcast-quality mp3 of the ‘Nobody’ interview is available at radio4all.

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