Low-Power FM Barn-Raiser

  • Low-Power FM Barn-Raiser
    The Prometheus Radio Project is a group dedicating itself to seeing new noncommercial low-power community FM radio stations get on the air. They’ve been hard work helping groups put in their applications for LPFM licenses and have promised to help get stations constructed for those who receive licenses. One of the first such groups to receive a license is the South Arundel Citizens for Responsible Development, located in the Chesapeake Bay area of Maryland. Now to get the station on the air Prometheus is sponsoring a “barn raising”, modeled after the Amish tradition where the entire community comes together to raise a new barn on a farm. In this case the entire low-power FM community is invited to learn how to put a station on the air and to help put it into action. This is a very cool opportunity to learn more about DIY radio engineering, and help get another noncommercial radio voice on the air. You can register here.

    Some previous posts on low-power FM:

  • House of Representatives votes to kill LPFM (4/17/00)
  • A letter from Sen. Dick Durbin on LPFM (6/4/00)
  • Letters from Sen. Peter Fitzgerald on LPFM (7/13/01)
  • Pirate Radio Won’t Go Away (11/2/01)
  • Bill to Cripple LPFM Passes (12/16/01)
  • The Nat’l Assoc. of Broadcasters Gloats Over LPFM Bill (12/19/00)
  • Ron Sakolsky writes on “The LPFM Fiasco” (1/23/01)
  • Klose Encounters: Questioning NPR Pres. Kevin Klose on the Network’s Opposition to LPFM

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