Salon’s excellent media reporter Eric Boehlman gives this critical bio of FCC Chair Michael Powell, and his rise to the top of the FCC before age 40. A choice quote reveals much: “To recap, here is the list of friends in high places who reached out in succession to help Powell over the last few years: former Transportation Secretary Coleman, Judge Edwards, former Secretary of State Christopher, Assistant Attorney General Klein, Sen. McCain and President Bush.”
The Man at the Top of the FCC–38 Years Old with a Lot of Friends
Salon’s excellent media reporter Eric Boehlman gives this critical bio of FCC Chair Michael Powell, and his rise to the top of the FCC before age 40. A choice quote reveals much: “To recap, here is the list of friends in high places who reached out in succession to help Powell over the last few years: former Transportation Secretary Coleman, Judge Edwards, former Secretary of State Christopher, Assistant Attorney General Klein, Sen. McCain and President Bush.”
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