Pardon me while I get off on a rant….
Indpendent journalists are one of the last conduits for unencumbered news and information about what really happens in the streets, on campuses and behind closed doors. The frequent lack of flash or polish simply reveals the rough and ugly nature of what really goes on outside the purview of the corporate media. When the corporate media self-censors to protect significant financial interests and indenendent journalists are attacked, maimed and arrested for expressing their First Amendment rights on issues and events the government and moneyed interests would prefer left uncovered, then the true totalitarian and fascistic aspects of our political-economic system become both more solidified and clearer.
The collusion between state police power and the interests of corporate capital have nothing to do with the free market and everything to do with controlling citizens by whatever means available. The mainstream media has become less of a market and more of a star chamber, where entry is closely controlled. When I cannot videotape and publish illegal police actions without fearing for my life, then there is no free market in media or speech. Any claim by corporate interests that there is such a free market is a bald faced lie.
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