Month: December 2000

  • Apparently the shit has hit

    Apparently the shit has hit the fan at Pacifica again. This time it’s at NYC station WBAI. Reports from the station indicate that Pacifica director Bessie Wash has fired WBAI’s station manager Valerie Van Isler and program director Bernard White, the doors to the station have also been locked and station staff are being admitted…

  • Strangely enough, NPR did a

    Strangely enough, NPR did a short piece on the LPFM cutback today on All Things Considered. They did include the fact that NPR lobbied agressively against LPFM and gave Kennard and LPFM advocates some say. Click here to listen to the story. Here’s links to some other stories on Congress’ attack on LPFM that are…

  • The mainstream media finally recognizes

    The mainstream media finally recognizes the evisceration of low-power FM. Today the New York Times reports on the anti-LPFM rider attached to the omnibus budget bill. Of particular note is this observation: “Taking a direct slap at the regulators, the new law shifts the policy- making authority from the F.C.C. to Congress to set standards…

  • Direct from the horse’s mouth

    Direct from the horse’s mouth — this is what the National Association of Broadcasters is telling the world about their crippling of LPFM: IMMEDIATE RELEASE STATEMENT OF NAB PRESIDENT/CEO EDWARD O. FRITTS ON PASSAGE OF LEGISLATION PROTECTING RADIO LISTENERS AGAINST INCREASED INTERFERENCE “We are pleased that Congress has protected radio listeners against additional interference that…

  • It’s looks like LPFM has been crippled by our elected representatives

    I’ve searched all the major gov’t databases, including Thomas, and Lexis-Nexis’ Congressional Universe, and can’t find an updated status on the Commerce appropriations bill that contains the onerous anti-LPFM rider, but I’ve received word from the Center for Democratic Communciations and from Radio Free Richmond that the bill did pass Congress and should be signed…

  • Today the NY Times has

    Today the NY Times has a story on the effect of rising rents in San Francisco, with a focus on the Mission neighborhood-based AK Press, which is being forced to leave its building due to its rent being tripled. This is an unfortunate outcome of the renewed interest in cities and urban living and working.…

  • The Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center’s

    The Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center’s Newshour for Dec. 12 is now available for streaming on-line. The program was broadcast on community radio WEFT, as part of a series of IMC produced programs that will air during December and January. Part 1 of the program features local news and announcements. Part 2 has a report and…

  • I’ve made available on-line the

    I’ve made available on-line the headline news from today’s show. This is something I’ll try to do each program, featuring at least the headline news and other features if it’s something I’ve personally produced (this week the feature was an outside production which I don’t want to distribute without getting permission). Click here to listen…

  • The new issue of Micro-Film,

    The new issue of Micro-Film, the locally produced journal of independent and personal cinema, is out. It’s the first anniversary issue with articles on the Roger Ebert Film Festival 2000, lots of independent films like Godass and Threat, along with opinions and reviews. Ask your local independent book/magazine/zine retailer to stock it, or get info…

  • BAD NEWS: Mbanna Kantako and

    BAD NEWS: Mbanna Kantako and Human Rights Radio in Springfield, IL were shut down again by the FCC this past Thursday. Here is the word from Prof. Mike Townsend: At 11:15 AM Thurs.,Nov.30,the FCC agents of repression raided Mbanna Kantako’s Human Rights Radio for the 2nd time in less than 2 months. Before coming to…