Category: the grassroots

  • Listen to Daily Reports from the NCMR

    John Anderson is filing daily reports from the National Conference for Media Reform for his program Media Minutes. John will definitely be capturing all the highlights of the day, along with interviews with prominent and interesting people working to change our media environment. The first daily report for today, Jan. 12, is already posted, featuring:…

  • Taiwan Pirates Protest for Communications Freedom

    The Taiwan radio pirates certainly know how the value of banding together to fight against the selling off of the public airwaves. According to the Taipei Times, last week pirate broadcasters held protests in front of the National Communications Commission, their version of the FCC. Held back by rows of police in riot gear, angry…

  • Update from Oaxaca: “In the face of repression, quiet determination, dignity.”

    Nancy Davies and George Salzman have written two new updates from Oaxaca and posted them on the web: Last Sunday, 10 Dec, the popular movement held its eighth mega-march, the first large manifestation following the imposition of a virtual state of siege imposed by the federal armed forces on 25 and 26 November. Nancy Davies’…

  • Revving up the Dirty War in Oaxaca

    George Salzman has sent another update from the situation in Oaxaca, Mexico, which he has posted in full at his own website: Oaxaca, Saturday 11 Nov 2006 Friends, The Oaxaca State and Mexican federal governments are unleashing a dirty war against the widespread social rebellion in Oaxaca, in the hope of smashing it as clandestinely…

  • Pacifica and Uneasy Listening

    This year historian Matthew Lasar published a recounting of what he calls the civil war inside of the Pacifica Foundation, where community radio began at KPFA in Berkeley, CA, titled Uneasy Listening. I haven’t yeat read the book, but it’s on my list. I very much enjoyed Lasar’s first book on Pacifica, Pacifica Radio: The…

  • On the next radioshow: Update from Oaxaca

    This evening I spoke again with Nancy Davies and George Salzman, two Americans living in Oaxaca, Mexico. They updated me on the situation there and I’ll play that interview on tomorrow’s radioshow, live on WEFT 90.1 FM in Champaign, IL. That program will be available for download by Sunday at midnight. George has been sending…

  • Sad News from Oaxaca

    I’ve been mostly offline (from the web, at least) for days now, so I apologize for not posting this earlier. Many readers well-plugged-in to the Indymedia scene will likely know already, but I must note the murder of NYC Indymedia journalist Brad Will by Mexican military forces in Oaxaca last Friday. This happened as mexican…

  • FCC Chair Says He Wants Public Comment on Media Ownership, But Is Doing His Best To Undermine IT

    As Matthew Lasar points out, media activists are wasting no time reaching out to the public at large in order to educate about media ownership and listen to public opinion on the issue. Of course this happens while we wait for the FCC to finally announce the public hearings on the issue that its promised.…

  • Wired News on “Get Lamp”

    Wired News has a short article on Jason Scott‘s upcoming documentary on text adventures, “Get Lamp.” Jason’s one of the few independent filmmakers really using the communications reach of the internet to his best advantage to create interesting documentaries without bankrupting himself. He knows his subject matter, he knows his niche, and he knows his…

  • One Woman’s Film Preservation Journey

    Yesterday was Home Movie Day where people attended events all over the country to view old home movies, and have their own films evaluated for damage and to learn about restoration. As local home movie enthusiast Jimi Jones put it to me on Friday’s radioshow, film is one of the best preservation media because you…