Category: mediageek status

  • Not dead, not sleeping

    A day job can be a catalyst or a killer for a blog. A catalyst if that day job provides ‘net access and lots of desk time. A killer when… well, there isn’t so much sit time. As I mentioned nearly two months ago, I have moved to Chicago from the much smaller burgh of…

  • Where Ya Been?

    This little ol’ blog celebrates its eighth birthday this month, which is pretty damn old for a blog, you must admit. But I sit here feeling blog-daddy guilt at how neglected it’s become, yet again. Posting is sporadic, and I’ve let the design go to hell (due to some weird WordPress bug that got fixed,…

  • Radioshow 2007 Highlights

    There were actually more than two highlights from the radioshow in 2007, but for this last show in 2007 I wanted to focus on just two interviews to that if you missed them the first time around you’d still get some good info and context. I think both of these interviews will have continuing relevancy.…

  • Links from the Dec. 21 Radioshow

    On this evening’s radioshow John referenced a blog post by Art Brodsky at Public Knowledge’s Policy Blog: Let’s See If the FCC Is Serious About Stopping the Next Media Consolidation. And don’t miss John’s Enforcement Action Database for 2007 at

  • Easier Listening

    I just installed a simple little Flash-based mp3 player over at the radioshow site so that you can listen to each week’s show without having to download it or mess with an external player. Let me know if you like or dislike it. If you like, you can listen to this week’s show right here:…

  • On today’s radioshow: Community Radio CKUT’s 20th Anniversary Conference

    Montreal, Quebec’s community radio station CKUT is celebrating its 20th anniversary with a conference focused on Redefining Media: Media Democracy and Community Media. Gretchen King from CKUT’s Community News Department will be my guest on today’s mediageek radioshow to talk about the conference and the station’s unique approach to serving its community. Tune in live…

  • Tune in to the mediageek radioshow live tonight at 5:30 PM Central

    You don’t have to wait for the mediageek radioshow mp3 & ogg to be posted Sunday night. Tune in and hear the show live at 5:30 PM Central, Fridays on Community Radio WEFT’s live webstream.

  • Listen to mediageek radioshow live

    Mediageek’s home station WEFT in Champaign, IL, is now streaming live on the internet. So you can listen to the mediageek radioshow live Fridays at 5:30 PM Central Time no matter where you are.

  • Hello Great Barrington

    Just learned of another new affiliate to the radio show. Berkshire Community Radio, WBCR-LP 97.7 FM in Great Barrington, MA, has been carrying the program, bringing the number of broadcast affiliates to 12. Not bad, considering my main means of promotion is just this website. If you work with a non-profit, non-commercial, community or public…

  • Two New Radio Show Affiliates

    I’m glad to hear from new two new affiliates carrying the mediageek radioshow. WVEW-LP Brattleboro Community Radio in Vermont is the licensed low-power successor to unlicensed Free Radio Brattleboro, and they’re carrying the show Fridays at 10 AM. On the upcoming June 8 edition of the show I’ll be airing an interview with Larry Bloch,…