Paper Tiger Celebrates 25 Years

Paper Tiger TV has been producing thought-provoking and challenging television programming for 25 years. Before the age of the internet, DVD and widespread VCR ownership, much of Paper Tiger’s programming was seen on public access stations around the country, and on satellite TV (not DBS like DirecTV, but old-school BUDs). Collectively organized, Paper Tiger was and is an innovator in grassroots, political video production, continuing to teach people how to harness the power of the moving image themselves.

If you’re in NYC this coming Thursday, Oct. 11, you can catch Paper Tiger’s 25th Anniversary Celebration and Fundraiser at Anthology Film Archives. The celebration is hosted by Amy Goodman, Bill Tabb and Joan Braderman. It will also be the premiere of Paper Tiger’s documentary about itself, Paper Tiger Reads Paper Tiger Television.

Paper Tiger is also maintaining an occasionally updated video blog featuring excerpts from PTTV’s productions over the past 25 years.

As an aside, here’s an interesting review of PTTV’s residency at the San Francisco Art Institute in 1992, as written by Paul Dorn for Socialist Worker.



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  1. […] Entertainer wrote an interesting post today on Paper Tiger Celebrates 25 YearsHere’s a quick […]

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