Michael Lahey’s documentary Making Waves is unflinching look at the politics and personalities behind the pirate radio scene of Tuscon Arizona. If you haven’t had a chance to see it, the film will be making an appearance at the Chicago Underground Film Festival at 1 PM on Aug. 19 and 6 PM on Aug. 21. Both showings will be at the Music Box Theater, 3733 N. Southport Ave. in Chicago.
Making Waves has also be showing every month on Free Speech TV, which is free to all Dish Network subscribers and which airs on many public access TV stations nationwide. The next showing of Making Waves will be on Aug. 24.
You can also check out a new trailer for the film at its website.
I interviewed filmmaker Michael Lahey on the Nov. 12, 2004 edition of the radioshow which you can listen to online.
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