Month: February 2005

  • Give Thanks to the Archivists

    Jason Scott, of fame, has announced that he is currently archiving all of the podcasts that he can find, currently storing them in 75 GB of hard drive space. He figures hard drive space is cheap enough to make the prospect of continuing the project tenable. I have no doubt that this project is…

  • Calvary Chapel, LPFM and Plausible Deniability

    Today’s San Francisco Chronicle has an article on the Church incursion into low-power FM, making up half the applications currently approved by the FCC for new stations. And what organization should turn up as a leading force in this movement? Why, none other than our pals at Calvary Chapel: This month, the Calvary Chapel Radio…

  • Mediageek Radioshow News Headlines for Feb. 25, 2005

    These are the media news headlines as read on the Feb. 25 edition of the mediageek radioshow: Court Questions FCC’s Broadcast Flag Rules; Grokster goes to Warshington; Groups Advocate Community Networks; McCain Targets TV Ownership Loopholes; Clear Channel ‘IndieÂ’ Station Threatened by New Ownership Rule; Broadcasters To Challenge Indecency Rules. Click MORE to read these…

  • Media Minutes On Translator-Gate

    OK, this is the first and last time I’ll call the Calvary Chapel/Edgewater/Radio Assist Ministries translator-brokering scandal a “gate.” That’s too much of a right-wing blogger tactic (never mind that Watergate was itself a right-wing crime scandal). John produced a nice summary story of the scandal for this week’s edition of Media Minutes, which is…

  • Response to Virtual Reality Show

    On the Feb. 11 edition of the radioshow, we featured an interview with virtual reality programmer Dave Zielinski. Willam Rogers has posted a response to the interview on his blog Teleonomy: The interview stuck too closely to the mode of “virtual reality” (VR) as an immersive and/or responsive sensory experience, specifically directed at human eyes…

  • The Sinclair Angle — If It Bleeds (Our Pocketbooks) It Leads

    Alternet is running a story that further documents the crookedness of Sinclair Broadcast Group, charging that the company doesn’t merely slant hard-right, but that management is mostly only interested in covering “news” that directly affects the top dogs’ pocketbooks: One such staffer says that Sinclair Vice President J. Duncan Smith asked Craig Demchak to take…

  • Something Fishy in Right-Wing-Christian-Translator-land, Grabbing Spectrum away from LPFM, Maybe Profiting from the Venture?

    John at DIYmedia cites some research from REC networks that points to some nefarious hi-jinks going on with non-commercial FM translator licenses. Looks like some of our old pals at Calvary Chapel of Twin Falls, Idaho–the Clear Channel of FM translators–are buying up recently acquired translator construction permits to add to their 358+ station empire…

  • Champaign-Urbana Community Radio on Media Matters this Sunday

    Media Matters is Prof. Robert McChesney’s weekly call-in talk show on our local NPR affiliate, WILL-AM 580. On this Sunday’s show at 1 PM I am one of the guests along with Mike Lehman, the founding force behind our new LPFM station taking to the air in June and a founding member of our local…

  • Conflict, Abuse and Privilege

    Links to an article entitled “Activist Scenes are No Safe Space for Women: On Abuse of Activist Women by Activist Men,” have been passed around various progressive and activist email lists in the last few weeks. I finally had a chance to read it today, and I was very affected, impressed and disturbed. I was…

  • Knee Deep in Sinclair Dirt

    Rolling Stone has an excellently comprehensive article on everyone’s favorite TV station owner, Sinclair. There are so many choice quotes and tidbits in here that I can’t quote them all, but here’s one revealing bite that shows Sinclair’s utter disdain for the rules: [Sinclair CEO] Smith was equally creative when it came to skirting federal…