Month: May 2004

  • Stupid Tech: PlusDeck2, PC-based Cassette Deck

    Electronic Music 411 reviews the PlusDeck2, which is a cassette tape deck that plugs into a PC’s empty drive bay in order to digitize analog cassettes, and also spit PC audio back out to cassette. As someone who still owns hundreds of audio cassettes, I can see the value of having a device that makes…

  • Rebel Video: Free Radio Austin and TV Piquetera

    Demand Media is a community video portal where folks can submit links to independently produced video available on the ‘net, especially videos with an underground, radical bent. A pointer to a documentary of the Free Radio Austin bust, which happened back in 2000, was just posted (the video resides at Indybay). I saw the raw…

  • Friday’s Radioshow On-Line: Interview with Skidmark Bob and V-Man from Freak Radio Santa Cruz

    Last Friday’s radioshow was a lot of fun. First, because Bob and V-Man are articulate, true independent media die-hards and both of them do some great radio on FRSC. Second, because it was the mediageek radioshow’s first joint simulcast — Bob and V-Man were in the studio at Freak Radio broadcasting their end of the…

  • Back and Blogging

    I was away for a week in Toronto, which is a very cool town, and while I was gone the sysadmin for the mediageek’s server upgraded perl and other things, which kind of broke Moveable Type in interesting ways for a few days more — hence the lack of postings. Thanks to very responsive help…

  • Practical Midwest Anarchism

    Chuck0 took a trip up to last weekend’s Anarchist Bookfair in Madison, WI and posted a nice reportback on his blog. Chuck was there to table with the new issue of Practical Anarchy. I’m looking foward to getting myself a copy. I would’ve like to have gone to the Bookfair and really have no good…

  • San Francisco Liberation Radio Interview On-Line

    Last Friday’s radioshow featuring an interview with Caroline Hatch of San Francisco Liberation Radio is now on-line at the radioshow page, in glorious mp3 and ogg vorbis.

  • New Hi-MD Delayed ’til July

    I got an e-mail late last week from minidisco telling me that the new Hi-MD unit I preordered won’t arrive until July now. A post today at the Minidisc Community Portal gives similar data, except noting that the lower-end model, the MZNH600D has just started shipping and the next higher model ships soon. Of course,…

  • Free Radio Berkeley’s Radio Summer Camp — It’s Not About Reforming the FCC

    Wired News reports on FRB and Stephen Dunifer’s Radio Summer Camp, which gives intensive training in building a station, putting it on air, and dealing with the authorities. I’m a little surprised that one alum of the camp went on record with an apparently real name and a geographically identifying station name, talking about her…

  • San Francisco Liberation Radio On This Evening’s Mediageek Radio Show

    Provided all goes as planned, we will be talking live with San Francisco Liberation Radio on tonight’s mediageek radio show, 5:30 PM on WEFT 90.1 FM in Champaign, IL. For the rest of you more than 30 miles away, it’ll be archived on the radioshow page this weekend.

  • Calvary Chapel Responds

    Last month I posted about the Calvary Chapel of Twin Falls, ID, and its CSN radio broadcasting division. According to REC Networks, the FCC dimissed a whole slew of LPFM applications filed under various Calvary Chapel organizational names. Today I received a polite e-mail from Don Mills, who is the station manager of KAWZ, the…