Senate Commerce Committee OKs Media Rules Roll-back

I received the following (mass-mailed) missive from Bob McChesney and the Free Press Media Reform Network:

There was a significant victory in the Senate Commerce Committee Thursday,
June 19, as it voted to overturn key elements of the corrupt FCC decision
to loosen media ownership rules on June 2
. It is due almost entirely to the
massive outpouring of public comments — hundreds of thousand in just the
past week — opposing the idea of letting fewer media companies own more
and more media.

We still have a difficult road ahead. Now the action goes to the entire
Senate and the House of Representatives in the coming weeks where we will
have to redouble our efforts to finish the job.

Go to for:

1. clear and comprehensive background information on the issues involved
2. a comprehensive collection of all news articles every day on the media
ownership fight (and other media policy issues)
3. updated reports (at least daily) from Capitol Hill insiders on exactly
where matters stand with regard to the media ownership fight
4. links to all the organized campaigns to tell members of Congress to
represent the public interest, not the interests of massive corporate
lobbies, when in come to media ownership rules.

Again, thanks for your help. This victory shows that if we organize, we can






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