If you can get free for the weekend of June 13-15, then you owe it to yourself to go to the Allied Media Conference, put on by the good folks over at Clamor Magazine, in Bowling Green, Ohio. The AMC is an expansion of the Underground Publishing Conference, which last year celebrated its fourth year.
I attended last year’s conference and had a blast. It was probably the most interesting, inpsiring and friendly media conference I’ve ever been to. The vibe was very cool and respectful, with a marked absence of inter-scene squabbling, or clashes over ideology. The focus was on celebrating underground media and exchanging ideas, techniques and inspirations. This tone is set by the Conference’s organizers, Jen Angel and Jason Kucsma, whose open and constructive approach to media-making is evident in Clamor, and other projects, like this Spring’s Power of Living Tour, that made a stop in Urbana.
I met lots of cool, interesting people working on all sorts of crazy, original and fun projects. I interviewed some for the mediageek radioshow, which you can listen to on-line:
July 19: Russ Forster has an 8-Track Mind, and the Geek Nation Will Take Over? July 12: Unconventional Independent Media — interviews with Josh, stencil art enthusiast, Rich Mackin, letter writer, and Karen Switzer, who makes letter press zines and cards. July 5: Porland Zine Scene — interviews with Sean Granton of the Portland Zine Symposium and Greig Means, librarian for Portland’s Independent Publishing Resource Center.
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