The Wall Street Journal conjectures:
“The big-name exits [of media CEOs] indicate that time may be running out for executives who haven’t fixed the growing list of problems brought on by the conglomeratization of the entertainment industry. The departures also raise the question of whether the lumbering conglomerates make sense. …
“For better or worse, new talent will rise to the top of the media behemoths. But it may turn out these companies have grown too large and complicated for anyone to handle.”
I think it is the hope of many a media activist that it turns out that these conglomerates are too big for their own good and they topple under their own weight. But who and what do they take out when they fall? And what damage is done in this process?
It’s not all about profits, but the welfare of democracy and real people are obviously furthest things from their minds.
So I would rather see them topple than stand. I’ll do my damnedest to help.
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