Month: August 2000

  • According to the Decatur Herald

    According to the Decatur Herald & Review, a new legal, but unlicensed, low power AM station is on the air in Decatur, IL, just west of here (which is Urbana, IL). This station scrapes by under the power limit of 100 milliwatts (.1 watts) for unlicensed AM stations. Although not too powerful, I applaud any…

  • The SF Examiner has an

    The SF Examiner has an article on the travails of microradio in the SF Bay Area, with specific focus on the planned protests against the upcoming NAB convention on Sept. 26, where Gen. Colin Powell (never trust a man named after an excretory organ) is the keynote speaker.Who better to speak about the value of…

  • is broadcasting information and is broadcasting information and news from the ground of the protests at the DMC in LA, and elsewhere, and San Francisco Liberation Radio is gearing up to “welcome” the National Association of Broadcasters convention in September. They are planning activities and protests to coincide with the convention, along with folks like the Media Alliance,…

  • As a followup to the

    As a followup to the previous post — I highly recommend an article published on the LA IMC site called “The Empire Strikes Back.” It’s a nice, thorough analysis of the police actions against protestors at North American trade meetings since WTO and the mainstream press’ coverage. I especially like this piece because it is…

  • Yikes! I haven’t had much

    Yikes! I haven’t had much to post lately. But, don’t forget to check out the Independent Media Center coverage of the Democrats’ convention in LA. LA police have reportedly already started harrassing organizers, and a judge has already told the cops to back off, so it’ll be interesting to see if things develop like they…

  • Hundreds of Philly GOP protestors

    Hundreds of Philly GOP protestors are still in jail and reportedly suffering numerous civil rights abuses while in custody, and you’re not hearing about it in the mainstream news . To find out more, visit the Philadelphia Independent Media Center.