Tag: podcasting

  • Hello again.

    Hello again.

    Hi there, internet! It’s me, Paul. Once again life and other pursuits got the better of me, so this poor site lain dormant for the previous 28 months. Anyone who has tried to blog for more than a few years is probably familiar with the routine. You quit posting for a month, which turns into…

  • Happy 5th Birthday to Podcasting!

    With the word “podcasting” firmly entrenched in the English language it’s a bit hard to believe that the medium is only five years old. Wired’s This Day in Tech marked yesterday, Aug. 13 as the fifth anniversary of the start of Adam Curry’s Daily Source Code, the first widely popular podcast. This Day in Tech…

  • Post-First-WNUR-Show Recap

    Just finished my first hour-long mediageek on the mighty WNUR. We had some phone system troubles during the first 10 minutes or so. First I couldn’t hear my guest, John, then he couldn’t hear me. But the very able producer/engineer Andrew figured out the glitch and got us up and working for the balance of…