Search results for: “minidisc”
Minidisc News: Sony Adds Native MP3 and Photo Capabilities to Hi-MD
Looks like Sony’s trying to keep it’s loyal minidisc users from jumping over to iPod land. Yesterday Sony announced some new MD units, including the Hi-MD Photo, which seems pretty much like the MD equivalent of the iPod Photo, except that it includes a 1.3 megapixel camera. However, I think 1.3 MP is pretty meager…
MDCasting: Minidisc for Creating AND Playback
Gerd Stodiek posts a how-to on minidiscasting which focuses on using a Hi-MD recorder for production, rather than simply a device for downloading and listening to ‘casts. He makes a suggestion to use Hi-MD on a podcasting thread at Cyberjournalist, too. Minidisc recorders in general, and Hi-MD recorders in particular, have an advantage for creating…
Minidiscasting (or, MDcast)
Gerd Stodiek has put out the first minidiscast, or MDcast if you will. Of course, in essence, there’s no difference between an MDcast and a podcast — it’s just more of an assertion that you can download podcasts to your NetMD enabled minidisc recorder (connecting to PC by USB) about as easily as you can…
Sony Announces New Hi-Capacity Minidisc – Might Be Just The Tool Mediageeks Have Been Waiting For
I generally don’t dedicate much space to product announcements here on mediageek, largely because so many of them are bogus PR devices, and because the treadmill of constant product upgrade is unnecessarily wasteful. But once in while a little news comes along that I think is good for independent media folks, and this is one…
How I Became the Cassette King of Community Radio
In the late 1990s, when I was in grad school at a major Midwestern state university, my assistantship was working in the Language Learning Lab, supervising the video facilities – delivering VCRs on carts and maintaining an aging and lightly-used production studio. There was also an audio lab that was managed by a full-time professional,…
Zoom finally adds HD video to a portable audio recorder, but still no mic input
I’m always complaining about how most consumer-level camcorders don’t feature microphone inputs, or even decent mics. My Sanyo Xacti VPC-CG10 has pretty good mics for camcorder of it’s size and price. But because the mics are on the camera and there’s no input to add an external mic, they’re still inappropriate for interviews or any…
The best camcorder is the one you have with you
There’s a common idea amongst serious photographers that it’s a good idea to always have a camera on you, because you never know when you’ll see the stuff of a great picture. Seeing as how it’s often impractical to always have an SLR or other larger camera with you, many photogs adopted smaller point-and-shoot cameras…
Making the HD Camcorder Leap with Sanyo’s Xacti VPC-CG10
Over the last three years I have not been shy about airing criticism of the newest wave of low-cost flash memory camcorders shooting alleged high-definition video. My critique has largely rested upon video quality being lower than established tape-based HDV camcorders and the difficulty of editing footage shot in the highly compressed AVCHD format. The…
O’Reilly Reviews New Digital Audio Recorder
Digital audio recorders that use flash memory are finally becoming common and inexpensive enough to be good tools for independent media makers. And, it’s just in time to pick up from minidisc, which has probably gasped its last breath. At work I’ve been experimenting with the Zoom H4, which is a moderately priced (~$250) digital…
Reviewing Some Media-Making Gear
Occasionally I post some reviews of electronics gear to Epinions. I post there because it increases the likelihood that my reviews will be found by someone who is looking for them and will appreciate them. Recently I reviewed Sony’s latest (and maybe last) minidisc recorder, the MZ-RH1, which also allows you to upload all your…