Category: streaming media
The Early Days of Web Radio
Jose at Arcane Radio Trivia briefly traces the beginning of internet radio, which is now nearly 14 years old (older than DVDs, in fact). However, I do have one addendum/correction. Jose says that KPIG was the first commercial station to broadcast on the web, starting in 1995. But there was a station here in ‘geek-land,…
SM East: Microsoft’s Bid To Beat Flash at the Plug-In Game
This morning’s keynote was Microsoft’s Sean Alexander giving a peek under the hood of its new Silverlight platform which offers a bi-platform (MacOS & Windows) browser plug-in rich media player that looks an awful lot like Flash. He also showed off MS’s new production suite offering design and authoring tools that look a lot like…
Spring in New York: Streaming Media East
I’m in NYC for the Streaming Media East conference. I’ve gone to the last two West coast conferences, so this is the first East I’m attending. One of my goals in attending is to speak with other educators in the streaming/online media field, but also make the educational sector more understandable to other sectors of…
Bringing People Together with Streaming Media
This evening I helped put on a live video webcast [archive webcast link] for an event where I really felt like the webcast served a practical and necessary purpose, allowing many more people to view the event than could fit in the venue. The event was an open forum to tackle “Racism, Power and Privilege”…
Bipartisan Hostility Towards Your Rights To Record and Enjoy Satellite & Net Radio
Sure, it looked like a new day in Congress with the Democrats taking over. This past weekend’s National Conference on Media Reform definitely reinforced that notion as it pertains to media ownership and internet freedom. But the entertainment industry and copyright cartel are a whole different she-bang. Too many entertainment industry liberals are way to…
Radioshow Experiment a Partial Success
Last night I attempted to broadcast the radioshow live from Memphis using Skype to connect us with the WEFT studio. Here in Memphis at the Cook Convention Center we got a wired (rather than wireless) connection to the internet, which I understood was shared by very few people. I don’t know how many people were…
Public Radio Podcasts Doing Well, Making Underwriter $$$
I, for one, am glad that there are podcasts of public radio programs. My local station, WILL-AM, has been podcasting for about eighteen months, and I appreciate being able to catch up on Bob McChesney’s show and some of their other great public affairs programs on my own schedule. I agree with Jack Brighton, who…
Podcasting & Vodcasting: Educational Solutions Looking for a Problem
I’m at a technology and learning conference at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN today and tomorrow. It’s part of my day-job life as an educational media producer, but it’s also a good opportunity to get a glimpse at what educators are trying to do with technology, and there’s many lessons to be learned for…
Stream Anything with VLC
Engadget has a how-to for streaming anything with the free VLC player, which is obviously more than a player, since it also includes a streaming server. What’s nice about VLC is that you don’t have to be tied to a patent-protected format like MP3 or some varietal of MPEG video. Streaming makes a great way…
Streaming Media West Sessions On-Line
If your interest was piqued at all by my (long) posts from Streaming Media West, you can check out some of the sessions for yourself. Most of them are now available in streaming video, although not my session (it was only audio recorded). If you actually do video webcasts, I recommend watching the session on…