Category: anarchism

  • On Thursday’s Radioshow: Environmental Encroachment the Magic Circus Band

    Independent media comes in all forms, next to ‘zines, podcasts and blogs there are trombones, drums and batons. In parades, clubs and gatherings of all types across the US, and across the world a fresh wave of marching bands are bringing musical chaos to the streets. Insurgent marching bands from around the globe are soon…

  • Reboot the FCC? Better, Democratize the FCC

    A week ago Prof. Larry Lessig penned a provocative little column for Newsweek that apparently was supposed to be titled “Blow Up the FCC,” but was published as “Reboot the FCC.” In essence, Lessig argues for the FCC to be done away with, replaced by an “Innovation Environment Protection Agency,” focused on curtailing monopoly power…

  • Anarchy, Integrity and the Digital Marketplace, via a Double-Ended Podcast Interview

    Michael W. Dean is the former lead singer of the 90s band Bomb, an author of instructional books, podcaster and is probably most well known for his documentary DIY or Die about independent artists. I watched DIY or Die a year or two ago and had made a note to get Michael on the radioshow,…

  • Dispatch from Oaxaca: Breaking the Communication Blockade

    I received the following email from George Salzman yesterday: Oaxaca, 3 May 2007 Friends, I fully endorse this call for support of popular radio in Oaxaca from Tonee Mello, who initiated the Oaxaca Study-Action Group with me in December 2005. Here’s Tonee’s message: Subject: [oaxacastudyactiongroup] APPEAL From: Tonee Mello Date: Wed, 2 May 2007 17:02:55…

  • Update from Oaxaca: “In the face of repression, quiet determination, dignity.”

    Nancy Davies and George Salzman have written two new updates from Oaxaca and posted them on the web: Last Sunday, 10 Dec, the popular movement held its eighth mega-march, the first large manifestation following the imposition of a virtual state of siege imposed by the federal armed forces on 25 and 26 November. Nancy Davies’…

  • Political Economy by Any Other Name Is Apparently a Fresh, New Idea

    Perhaps this is nothing new, but I’m starting to really notice a severe lack of awareness of critical traditions within the A-list blogosphere/digerati culture. Back in March, Andrew took note of a proposal to create a new “interdisciplinary discipline’ of Critical Information Studies, which he concluded, “sounds very like the areas covered by Political Economy…

  • Crimethinc, and thinking critically about itinerant recovering-middle-class twenty-somethings

    Burningman has written an eloquent and spot-on review of the newest Crimethinc tome, Recipes For Disaster: An anarchist cookbook for Clamor magazine. For those not aware of Crimethinc, it’s an anarchist publishing collective–they call themselves an “Ex-Workers’ Collective”–that puts out radical books and zines that tend to espouse and promote dropping out of mainstream capitalist…