Month: July 2009

  • Making the HD Camcorder Leap with Sanyo’s Xacti VPC-CG10

    Over the last three years I have not been shy about airing criticism of the newest wave of low-cost flash memory camcorders shooting alleged high-definition video. My critique has largely rested upon video quality being lower than established tape-based HDV camcorders and the difficulty of editing footage shot in the highly compressed AVCHD format. The…

  • Cassettes Are a Weird Way to Distribute Music?

    My, oh my, where has the time gone. Sure, cassettes might be nearly obsolete and decidedly retro. But weird? Wired’s Epicenter blog recently compiled “10 Weird Ways to Distribute Music.” But, really, the list might be more accurately characterized as “10 Unique Ways,” rather than weird. Seems that some popular indie bands like Dirty Projectors…