Month: April 2005

  • Any Bloggers Going to AMC?

    I’m looking for indie-minded bloggers who’ve been blogging for at least a year, but preferrably 2 years or longer who are planning to attend (or thinking about attending) the Allied Media Conference in June. Please send me an e-mail: paul (at)

  • Radio Zapote May Not Be Evicted

    Following up on a post last week about the possible eviction of Mexico City free radio station, Radio Zapote, from the School of Anthropology and History: Global Indymedia has a feature on the situation, along with photos and audio interviews in Spanish, with a summary in English. Now it seems there are conflicted opinions at…

  • When Zine Readings Go Bad

    A year ago the Urbana-Champaign IMC Library held its last zine reading, which was sparsely attended, somewhat due to our friends from Chicago breaking down in Kankakee. The small crowd was made up for by a drunked Slayer fan who helped make it an EXTREME ZINE READING by nearly assaulting local zinester Brad of Silly…

  • Underground Pubs on Exhibit in Philly

    Chris at infobong points me to an exhibit of zines and other underground publications at the Design Center in Philadelphia: DIY Revolution. Wish I were going to be near Philly between now and June 10 when the exhibit closes.

  • Googled for Rush Limbaugh Blowjob

    I was trying to figure out why this blog keeps getting referrals from people searching for some combination of “Rush Limbaugh” and “blowjob.” First, why would someone search for that disturbing mental imagine? And, second, why does Google direct them here? Somehow the news passed by me, but apparently ol’ Rushie used the BJ-word on…

  • Low-Power Radio in New England and Mexico

    The Boston Phoenix features a an overview of some low-power stations, licensed and unlicensed, that have operated in New England over the last ten years or so, including Radio Free Brattleboro and the recently departed Allston-Brighton Free Radio. Volunteers from RFB were on the radioshow back in Oct. 2003 and Jan. 2004 when they started…

  • Innovation and Tactics in the Indie Media World

    Rabble has some incisive thoughts comparing Indymedia and Guerilla News Network: In general it was interesting to look at the differences between GNN and Indyemdia. Both organizations are about radical media production, and both started with about the same number of people 5 years ago. GNN had 4 people, indymedia 8 attending meetings but a…

  • Indecency Makes for Good Farce

    Salon’s Eric Boehlert does a nice job at outlining the unfortunate outcome of the mutli-lateral coalition that mobilized to help stop the FCC’s attempt to loosen media ownership rules: What is surprising for free-speech advocates such as McChesney and Chester, who fear the effects the indecency reforms could have, is that when they look across…

  • The Power of Video

    A remarkably uncritical article [bugmenot login] in today’s New York Times notes the role of video in the dimissal and acquittal of hundreds of people arrested during last year’s RNC. Simply put, the videos contradict police accounts of protestor actions: Accused of inciting a riot and resisting arrest, Mr. Kyne was the first of the…

  • New Minidisc Units Starting Ship & Why Photo MD Is Just 1.3 MP

    Despite the fact that I write about such potentially ire-raising counter-cultural things as pirate radio and express an anarchist attitude about media and politics, the thing I get more e-mail about is actually minidisc. Within the last few months I’ve gotten more than a dozen questions about the new Hi-MDs asking for advice on buying…