Month: July 2004

  • Liberal TV Network (not owned by Al Gore)?

    Wired News reports on a group of “progressive media activists” who are joining forces to create a new TV network, supposedly bolstered by the success of Michael Moore’s Farenheit 911. I don’t know too much about the participants, except for author and journalist Greg Palast. One thing that looks good is that the group seems…

  • On Today’s Mediageek Radio Show: Report Back from DNC

    Two Urbana-Champaign IMC volunteers traveled to Boston this week to report on the protest activity surrounding the Democratic National Convention, and the overwhelming police repression of that activity. The U-C IMC’s radical zine librarian Adam Davis just arrived back in town and will join us in the studio live. Sarah Lazare is still on the…

  • Bringing the National to the Local

    I’m really pleased that my local community radio station, WEFT, had decided to run alternative Democratic National Convetion coverage from Pacifica. But what pleases me more is that WEFT’s Programming Committee [PC] decided to add a local call-in show to the mix. Rather than just have listeners call and talk to hosts, Kimberlie Kranich, the…

  • LPFM Bill Passes Senate Commerce Committee

    Early reports say that the Senate Commerce Committe passed the bill to restore low-power FM by voice vote this morning. Strangely, the Committee also passed an amendment excepting the state of New Jersey, submitted by Sen. Lautenberg, apparently because the Senator believes Jersey is more susceptible to interference problems because it is the most densely…

  • Senate Commerce Committe To Vote on Restoring LPFM

    Tomorrow is a big day for the future of low-power FM, when the Senate Commerce Committee votes on Chairman Sen. McCain’s bill to restore spacing requirements to the original level set by the FCC back in 2000, when the Commission originally approved low-power FM. If ultimately passed by Congress and signed into law, the bill…

  • First Review for Zine #2

    NeuFutur puts in the first review for mediageek zine #2. I believe I traded zines with one of the guys behind the NeuFutur zine at the Allied Media Conference last June.

  • Boulder Free Radio Keeping It Going

    Monk, one of the chief organizers behind Boulder Free Radio (KBFR), maintains a blog where he occasionally posts tasty tidbits about how the station runs and what they’re up to. Last week Monk posted a rundown of the setup the station uses to stay a step ahead of the FCC, leveraging wireless Internet and a…

  • Radioshow Archive Now up to Date

    The mediageek radioshow archive is now up to date, including last Friday’s program — so download away! I want to point out that I am experimenting with using the Internet Archive’s FreeCache to help speed up downloading the recent broadcast quality files and some of the more popular programs, like Amy Goodman’s talk from April.…

  • On Today’s Radioshow: Anarchist Magazine Fifth Estate

    On today’s mediageek radioshow we’ll air an interview with Sunfrog, a member of the editorial collective at Fifth Estate, a quarterly magazine about anarchist thought and practice. The mediageek radioshow airs Fridays at 5:30 PM on community radio WEFT FM 90.1 in Champaign, IL. The shows are archived here after airing. I’m quite behind in…

  • Are CD Players Obsolete?

    In our hyper-technologized culture, obsolescence is a pretty relative, subjective term. The average person on the street would tell you that the 8-track tape medium is obsolete, even though there is a strong subcommunity of users and enthusiasts, and an unknown number of players that soldier along in cars, trucks, garages and dens around the…