I don’t do this blog or my radioshow to make money, and I don’t mind footing the minor costs of keeping it all running. As a result you don’t see this page littered with AdWords, banner ads or Amazon associate plugs.
It’s a rare occasion when I’ll ask mediageek readers to donate money to any cause. That’s why I’m asking you to take seriously my request that you financially support community radio WEFT 90.1 FM in Champaign, IL, where the mediageek radioshow originates.
WEFT is having its Spring Pledge Drive right now, and the station survives mostly on listener pledges. If you ever listen to the mediageek radioshow on WEFT or here, on-line, please give WEFT a call and pledge $40 or more to keep it going.
Call 217-359-9338.
You can call right now (there’s someone to take calls 24 hours a day), or you can call while the mediageek radioshow is on the air, this Friday 5:30 – 6:00 PM CST.
If you prefer to do PayPal, use this donation button:
If you don’t listen to WEFT and don’t listen to the mediageek radioshow on-line, then I ask that you contribute to your own local community radio station or some other local non-profit community media organization, like an IMC.
I’m being completely honest when I say that without WEFT there would never be a mediageek.org or mediageek radioshow. Getting involved with WEFT 10 years ago sparked my interest in community media. Then WEFT gave me the valuable opportunity to use the airwaves to explore, celebrate and share information about this topic.
Community media must and should survive on donations from the community it serves. This keeps community media responsive and accountable to the people it serves, rather than answering to big money interests.
Due to the Internet, WEFT is able to serve a wider community though the mediageek radioshow archives. Many of you reading this are part of this larger community.
I sincerely hope you’ll choose to give something back to community media and pledge either to WEFT or to some other deserving organization.