Month: January 2004

  • Radioshow Archive Updated

    The mediageek radioshow archive was just updated with the last two programs: Jan. 23 – Feature interview with Radio Free Brattleboro’s Sara Longsmith, regarding the letter the station recently received from the US Atty General’s office. John Anderson from provides some analysis. Jan. 30 – Interview with two volunteers from the new Big Muddy…

  • FCC Localism Task Force Meets in Clear Channel’s Back Yard

    TheFCC’s Localism Task Force held a public hearing in San Antonio, TX, home to everyone’s favorite radio goliath, Clear Channel, which also happens to be the arch nemesis of localism. As one would expect, media activists used the hearing as an opportunity to point out and bash industry consolidation and it’s decimation of local accountability…

  • Comments Turned Off Due to Spam

    Unfortunately, for the moment I’ve had to turn off comments here on mediageek due to getting deluged with hundreds of spam comments in the last week. These spam comment have links to all sorts of spam sites — casinos, online drugs, penis enlargers — in the hope of duping google into raising the ranking of…

  • Newsflash: More Media Consolidation On the Way… In a Sneaky Way

    That’s the essential proclamation of a short story at in the wake of Bush signing into law the ominbus budget bill containing the “compromise” 39% TV ownership cap (that neatly lets CBS and FOX slip by with their previously-illegal number of stations). Well, sort of…. without the ‘sneaky part.’ But the story does reveal…

  • Don’t Let That $3 Burn a Hole in your Pocket — Low Hug #10 is out

    Aj Michel, appearing many times on the mediageek radioshow as the resident ‘zine queen, has finished issue #10 of her pop-culture perzine, Low Hug. It’s the Technology issue, and it looks like it’s all killer, no filler: “Human Factors : The Technological is Personal – contributions from Davida Gypsy Breier (Xerography Debt), Delaine Derry Green…

  • Mediageek Zine Review in Zine World

    I’ve been advised that there’s a review of the mediageek ‘zine in the new issue of Zine World (#20), A Reader’s Guide to the Underground Press. (Which I haven’t yet seen). Even when there’s not a mediageek zine review, Zine World is probably the best overall reference guide to zines. The hundreds of reviews are…

  • Make your media — keep your media

    I have a pretty large and growing archive of my own media output, such as all the interviews, features and airchecks of the mediageek radioshow. Most of this stuff is on CD-R or DVD-R, with the airchecks on minidisc. I want to hold onto all of it, and not see it degrade into unreadability. The…

  • Senate OKs So-Called Compromise on TV Ownership Limit

    One way to shove somewhat unpopular legislation through Congress is to buy it in a bil ol’ omnibus spending bill, since failure to pass such a beast really mucks up the Washington works. So that’s how a compromise TV ownership limit rule got passed by the Senate yesterday. The compromise limit places a 39% cap…

  • Radio Free Brattleboro Gets Tipped Off By U.S. Atty General’s Office

    In what can only be described as a unique situation, U.S. Attorneys have contacted unlicensed Radio Free Brattleboro warning them that the FCC wants to take action to shut them down. This is unusual since it’s not typical for either the FCC or other federal officials to give such warning. Most of the time, when…

  • Radioshow archives up to date again, maybe they’ll stay up to date

    I just overhauled the mediageek radioshow archives and turned them into a blog. The old archives page was static html, and having to manually edit and upload that page each week I think was keeping me from getting done weekly. The ease of posting to a blog I hope will help me keep the archives…