Month: November 2002
New Sound Blaster To Drool Over
Creative keeps upping the ante on their sound cards, offering continually better audio quality for very reasonable prices. They just released their Sound Blaster Audigy 2. Tom’s Hardware gives the card their usual thorough run-through and gives it high grades. I cover sound cards here and there because the integrated audio in most PCs sucks…
Aussies To Block “Protest Websites”
In the name of fighting “cybercrime,” the Courier-Mail reports that Australian Justice Minister Chris Ellison will look at upgrading federal powers to block certain websites. He’s apparently acting at the behest of police ministers who agreed it was “unacceptable [that] websites advocating or facilitating violent protest action be accessible from Australia.”
Predicting What the Election Means for Tech and Media
CNet’s Declan McCullagh gives a rundown of what the election results might mean for Tech in the US. Obviously, the biggest difference will be Republican leadership of all committees, which is a mixed bag, since some tech issues don’t break cleanly along party lines. For instance, Democratic Sen. Fritz Hollings of S.C. has been a…
Disgusted with Democrats
Nationwide, the Democrats blew it in yesterday’s election. That’s clear to anyone who gives a shit, and is quickly being parroted across the mainstream press this morning. Unfortunately, there’s no evidence to challenge it. Only here in Illinois, after one of the most corrupt state governments in recent memory, were Democrats able to take a…
Today on mediageeklife:
Today on mediageeklife: “Holding My Nose To Vote / Fear of a Ryan Planet.”
FCC Chair in the Back Room with Comcast
Regarding pending FCC approval for a cable TV merger between Comcast and AT&T, reports that The Center for Digital Democracy (CDD) and the Media Access Project (MAP), two Washington-based advocacy groups, said the contact between Roberts and the FCC “typifies the behind the scene insider lobbying of special interest national politics.” Everyone knows that…
DVD & CD vs. VHS & 8-Track
Russ Forster fires off a “useless angry raving” on “the DVD Craze”: “They are trumpeting that DVDs deliver better picture and sound more reliably than any analog formats. It all sounds so alluring, but after having to suffer through a rented DVD that had scratches rendering sections of GOSFORD PARK unwatchable, I have a greater…
The Mitnick Chapter
In the spirit of making sure information gets spread around, click more below to read the “banned Mitnick chapter.” It’s an interesting read. And if you believe his narrative at all, it depicts an hysterical media driving an irrational, illegal and outrageous persecution of someone who caused very little real harm. Mirror it yourself, e-mail…
Internet 1, Attorneys 0
2600 notes that the “banned Mitnick chapter” — from ex-celebrity hacker Kevin Mitnick’s new book — has been released onto a Yahoo discussion group. … It always lifts my spirits to see some banned, censored or edited-out text released onto the wilds of the Internet. Secrets only benefit the secretive and privileged minority. …
Ogg for Mac
There’s now a plug-in that allows Mac’s iTunes to play Ogg Vorbis, the open-source audio codec. I started encoding the radio show in Ogg Vorbis back in July. It provides good broadcast-quality sound with slightly smaller files than mp3. I also see Ogg Vorbis as a little more “future-proof,” from the standpoint that it’s open…