Month: February 2000

  • As a follow up to

    As a follow up to the previous story, today Wired News reports that AOL and Time Warner have signed a “memorandum of understanding” that they will open up access to T/W’s broadband service so that customers will be able to use ISPs other than AOL. A glimmer of light in an otherwise dark night, but…

  • Wired News reports that AOL

    Wired News reports that AOL Chairman Steve Case and Time Warner chairman Gerald Levin are to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday to discuss the planned merger of these two companies. I’m sure it’s unlikely that there will be any truly challenging questions leveled at these two, especially regarding how the merger will…

  • The Associated Press has a

    The Associated Press has a quick article on the House move to kill Low-Power FM before it even starts.

  • Current Magazine, the journal of

    Current Magazine, the journal of publc radio, has an article on the Pacifica stringers strike.

  • Stephen Dunifer of Free Radio

    Stephen Dunifer of Free Radio Berkeley released a nice announcement of upcoming micropower and radio production seminars and activities in support of micropower and low-power radio. Click here to read the announcement OR go to the Free Radio Berkeley website.

  • Jon Katz has posited an

    Jon Katz has posited an interesting question on Slashdot: “Would You Ever Read a Newspaper Again?” Interesting to me, since a shift to the ‘net means the potential for more grassroots involvement and exposure–but what if you’re just looking at

  • John Anderson, editor of pirate/free

    John Anderson, editor of pirate/free radio at has been really keeping on the case of the NAB-led movement to kill LPFM in Congress. Read his newest update on their Propaganda. Click here to see the Hall of Shame for Illinois (ILL. reps who’ve signed on to this bill).

  • The Feb. 20 edition of

    The Feb. 20 edition of RFC, featuring Bill Taylor of the Primary Communications Project is available in mp3 format for listening and download at the A-Infos Radio Project. Click here to go right to it.

  • An e-mail I received reports

    An e-mail I received reports that a Pacifica Strikers Press Conference is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 24 at, 12 noon at the Center for Constitutional Rights, 666 S. Broadway, NYC. Scheduled attendees include:Mimi Rosenberg, Attorney, Legal Aid Society; Mark Crispin Miller, Professor of Media Ecology at NYU, Director of the Project on Media Ownership, Striking…

  • The FCC approved Low-Power

    The FCC approved Low-Power FM broadcasting for the U.S. in late January. But John Anderson, the pirate/free radio editor at, reports that a piece of legislation in the House called the "Broadcasting Preservation Act of 1999" has 82 sponsors and threatens to kill LPFM before it starts. Click here to find out more. Free…