Archive | metablogging

Some Thoughts on Blogging

I tried to come up with a better headline, but I didn’t try too hard. So, I was thinking about blogging on my bike ride in to work this morning. I try not to indulge too much in the big meta-blogging virtual circle-jerk, but for some reason the question of what makes blogging unique was […]

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A Brief Meta-Blogging Indulgence

I’m not sure whether the whole weblog phenomenon is ready to implode, eat itself alive, or if there really is a “independent publishing revolution” at hand. Regardless, there is a new on-line ‘zine called Microcontent News that might be worth checking out, if you give half a shit. It takes aim at “low-cost content formats […]

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Blogging, “Warblogging,” and Punditry.Is There an Effect? Is There a Point?

Criticizing the “Warbloggers” — I found this heated article that takes to task “libertarian” webloggers who take snide shots at prominent commentators and fellow bloggers who dare to raise a voice in objection to the undeclared war in Afghanistan. Ironically, I found this article on the site of one of these “warbloggers,” who patronizingly qualifies […]

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